Tyr’s drifters is an Ásatrú kindred from all walks of life dedicated to bringing heathenry into the modern age. Our mission is to educate, train, provide resources for, and otherwise promote the polytheistic religion known as Northern European Heathenry or Ásatrú.
Our religion contains many variations, names, and practices, including Theodism, Irminism, Odinism, Urglaawe and Anglo-Saxon Heathenry. We seek to be a destination where all Asatruar may meet, worship, and learn from one another. You can help us reach our goal of obtaining a place for worship by donating or purchasing our merchandise where all the proceeds go to our kindred.


Elder Futhark Rune Set
Hand made Elder Futhark Runes burned from ash tree.

All proceeds go to expanding
the kindred

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Lapel Pin